Friday, July 25, 2008



The following Post is long and contains entirely too much information.

I have been tagged by Catherine.

How To Play This Game of Tag: Post these rules on your blog.

List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself.
Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

3 Joys:
1. Eric. When I was 19 or so I made a list of all the great things I wanted to do in my life. One of them was to fall madly in love with someone who was madly in love with me. There are not many things on that list that I can already check off. But this one is definitely checked. There are only rare moments when I can’t say without doubt that I am madly in love with that crazy man. And most of the time I believe he feels the same, which is why I call him crazy.
2. Aiden, Jenna-grace and Max. I know… of course. They drive me nuts, but they make me laugh almost everyday. I really didn’t know much about the world until they came along to teach me.
3. Friends. There is so much in this life that makes you want to cry. Being a girl is one tuff job. Between trying to take care of every living thing around me and dealing with my crazy hormones, I am not sure what I would do with out my friends. I am quite a talker, as I am sure you know well. Most of the time I have trouble saying the right thing or saying way too much. But, you, my amazing friends are always there with loving ears to hear the good and filter out the stuff you know I don’t mean. I honestly love you guys!

3 Fears:
1. Heights. I don’t mean like afraid of being on a roof or up in a tree. I mean going hiking in the mountains and looking over the edge of a cliff! I can’t do it. I don’t even like to think about other people doing it. I have nightmares about it. Eric used to love to go hiking. Too bad.
2. Being a bad mom. I am afraid of missing some great need of my kids. I don’t mean like food. I mean like not noticing when they need some encouragement or love because I am too busy making sure they are clean and fed. I think this is a fear all mothers have. I feel like I am finally coming out a crazy patch where all I could do was keep my head above water. Life was all about babies. I use to pray that Aiden didn’t feel left behind. My greatest wish is that my kids always feel loved. But I think that fear never goes away.
3. Hornets, wasps, or any other flying stinging insect that will come after you. When I was a teenager I was using a weed-eater and clipped the top of a hornet nest that had been built underground. I had several stings before I even knew what was happening. They swarmed out and as I began to run they chased me and stung me on my backside. They were still stinging me by the time I made it to the house (about half a football field away), but the front door was locked …, and the side door was locked. When I finally made it to the back door I was screaming so hysterically that my mom thought I was laughing. She came outside to see what was so funny. At this point I could barely talk, but there were still hornets attached to my shoelaces and stinging my shoes. I tore off my outer layer of clothes and shoes and my mom threw me into the shallow end of the pool. I was glad to go. The best part of that day was that I got out of doing any more weed eating.

3 Goals:
1. Become a Runner. Eric and I are planning on running a 5K on September 1, and another in October. You should join us! You don’t have to run the whole time, or even run at all if you don’t want to. But the events are great fun. I feel more involved in the community after being at a fundraiser like any 5k. On September 1st is the Chick-fil-A 5K, benefiting Junior Achievement, and the one in October is Race for the Cure.
2. Get organized. A never ending cycle of getting organized and then needing to reorganize. My life is very much like my house. There is always some part of it that is a mess.
3. To Ravish my scriptures the way I did on my mission. I feel like my life is full of good things. Very busy things! But not enough time is dedicated to scripture study. And the time that is spent in the scriptures isn’t as focused and meaningful as it used to be. It is my never ending goal to improve in this area.

3 Current obsessions:
1. Exercise
2. So you think you can Dance! The first few seasons I thought it was rather dumb. Just another reality type talent show. But now I think it is really inspiring. Especially watching the dancers try different types of dance each week. It is so inclusive of all different cultures and styles. Dance can be just like music in the way that it unifies people who can’t find any other common ground. Besides it is really entertaining! Go team Chelsie!
3. Getting Ready for Aiden’s Super Hero Birthday Party!

3 Random or surprising facts about yourself:
1. I have to have the radio on every minute of the day, or I have a small part of the last song I heard running through my head over and over again. It makes me kind of crazy. For instance right now it is “Stop and stare. You think you’re moving, but you’re going no were. Something, something, something, Stop and stare…”
2. I have a heart condition called Wolf-Parkinsons-White (WPW or a form of Super Ventricular Tachycardia) I had heart surgery when I was 20. I had to take serious medicine everyday from the time I was two, until my surgery. I don’t think I would have been able to go on a mission, or even have my babies because of the stress on my heart. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for the miracle of modern medicine.
3. I am a ninth generation Mississippian. I can’t stand fake southern accents, or people who talk bad about the South. Eric says that I can’t spell because I went to school in Mississippi. He is probably right. But I am very proud of the South and get rather unnerved when people move here only to complain about it. On a side note, there is a wonderful article from the Ensign about the Mississippi Saints who went west. Click here to check it out. One of the many great things it talks about is how the Mississippi saints “introduced a certain chivalry and elegance into the social life of their communities, and added dignity to the political and business life of Utah, California, and Arizona.”

I am tagging:

1. Becky
2. Sarah
3. Missy
4. Christy
5. Amber


beautifuldey said...

Remember when the bees were in the back of your Provo house? I would never have guessed you were afraid?!

I can't spell either!

Christine said...

Thanks for sharing!

Dave, Catherine, Chandler, and Callie said...

How fun! Thanks for playing.